Incidencia de la implementación de ciclobandas, por medio del estudio de la inmisión de pm10 en la intersección de la carrera 50 con avenida Esperanza en Bogotá D.C.
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The bicycle lane of carrera 50 is located in Teusaquillo and the study sector is at the intersection with avenida Esperanza. Taking as a precedent that in the city of Bogotá there have been no studies on the impact on air quality and mobility that occurs after the implementation of cycle-infrastructure projects, with this project an approximation is made about the effects that occur in the environmental and social field. For this work, through the evaluation of the air quality and the determination of the emission of fleet sources of PM10 together with the meteorological measurements, intends to determine the convenience of the bicycle lane, for which the methodology and the results are gathered in three (3) phases. Then it is obtained that this bicycle lane is 0.8% of the total cycle-infrastructure, that the PM10 concentrations at reference conditions are lower than 89 μg/m3 for hourly data complying with the maximum allowed limit of 100 μg/m3, that the IVE model in a simulated scenario shows that the emissions of PM10 when there is bicycle lane is greater up to 1.92 times than when there is not, that the concentration of the traffic station can be up to two (2) times greater than the urban station, that the emission is inversely proportional to the speed and directly proportional to the number of vehicles, and that the direction and wind speed are important factors in the distribution of the pollutant; evidencing in this way that the implementation of the bicycle lane could generate higher levels of PM10 emission and immission and in turn affects the mobility of the place by reducing the lanes that serve for the transit of the vehicle fleet.