Ejemplos prácticos de la guía para la elaboración de inventarios de emisiones atmosféricas
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As a result of the adoption of the air pollution prevention and control policy, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development published in 2017 the guide for the elaboration of inventories of atmospheric emissions, which is a reference document that compiles the main technical criteria necessary to develop anemissions inventory, where you can find information on existing procedures and methodologies for the preparation of inventories of emissions that meet criteria of quality, consistency, integrity, comparability, representativeness and transparency. However, the need to create a technical document reflecting cases of practical application for different types of air pollution sources in the country was evidenced. The methodology used to prepare this document was based on a bibliographic review that allowed to determine which industrial sectors were more relevant in terms of emissions of criteria pollutants in the Colombian case, then, the productive process of each industrial sector and the emission factors available for its processes were consulted. Additionally, in order to apply the guide for the preparation of inventories of atmospheric emissions, practical exercises were proposed and solved for each industrial sector.