Moreno Páez, Marlén Patricia2014-06-142015-03-022014-06-142015-03-022010 action research study presents the results from an intervention held with a group of sixth graders in a public school in Bogotá. The main concern to develop it emerged from the need of improving the reading processes carried out in the institution. The study aimed to develop critical views on students through the use of fables as well as strengthen their reading skills. To fulfill this main objective it was necessary to explore the reading research as well as literacy areas in order to identify the tools which would support the intervention held. Thus, there were three instruments implemented in order to collect the data required for the study, they were field notes, audio recording and students artefacts. The process developed evidenced students progress on their analytical ability, in addition, their comprehension skills pointed up a noticeable improvement.pdfspaAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional Reading through Fables: A Window to Our ThoughtsmasterThesisCOMPRENSIÓN DE LECTURA - ENSEÑANZALECTURA ENSEÑANZAINGLÉS ENSEÑANZAMAESTRÍA EN LINGÜÍSTICA APLICADA A LA ENSEÑANZA DEL INGLES - TESIS Y DISERTACIONES ACADÉMICASinfo:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccessRestringido (Solo Referencia)