García Valbuena, Cesar AugustoPrada Sierra, Juddy KatherinePenagos Diaz, Nilson2023-06-162023-06-162022-10-21 presente trabajo fue elaborado con el fin de dar a conocer el impacto que ha venido generando la mala disposición de llantas usadas durante los últimos años en la ciudad de Bogotá, tomando como área de estudio la localidad de Ciudad Bolívar al ser la que mayor afectación a presentado durante los años 2019, 2020 y 2021, estando entre las localidades más constantes que más arrojan llantas usadas en espacio público. A través de una revisión bibliográfica y normativa sobre la recolección, disposición y aprovechamiento de este residuo especial en Bogotá D.C., junto a las visitas realizadas a los acopiadores de llantas usadas con el fin de conocer la gestión que actualmente se le da a este residuo y la identificación de los puntos de arrojo de este residuo especial, se presenta una descripción de la situación encontrada junto a una comparación de las unidades recogidas de los puntos de arrojos de llantas usadas en espacio público hallados en la ciudad de Bogotá durante los años 2019, 2020 y 2021, logrando identificar a la localidad de Ciudad Bolívar que mayor afectación a presentado durante estos últimos años, por lo que se tomó esta localidad como área objeto de estudio con el fin de realizar un análisis de la relación existente entre los puntos de arrojo de llantas en espacio público y los establecimientos de acopio de llantas aledaños a estos. Por último, se procedió a evaluar los impactos generados por la disposición inadecuada de llantas en esta localidad, entre los que se encuentra afectación al paisaje urbano y convirtiéndose en focos de proliferación de vectores, acumulación de otros residuos, generando contaminación de fuentes hídricas y del suelo. Finalmente, se presentaron algunas recomendaciones para la Secretaría Distrital de Ambiente sobre la situación que se está presentando con las llantas usadas que son arrojadas en espacio público del Distrito.This paper was prepared in order to show the impact that has been generated by the poor disposal of used tires in recent years in the city of Bogota, taking as a study area the town of Ciudad Bolivar to be the most affected during the years 2019, 2020 and 2021, being among the most constant localities that throw used tires in public spaces. Through a bibliographic and regulatory review on the collection, disposal and use of this special waste in Bogotá D.C., together with the visits made to the used tires collectors in order to know the management that is currently given to this waste and the identification of the dumping points of this special waste, a description of the situation found is presented together with a comparison of the units collected from the dumping points of used tires in public spaces found in the city of Bogota during the years 2019, 2020 and 2021, managing to identify the most constant dumping points of used tires in public spaces in the city of Bogota, 2020 and 2021, managing to identify the locality of Ciudad Bolivar that has been most affected during these last years, so this locality was taken as the area under study in order to perform an analysis of the existing relationship between the points of dumping of tires in public spaces and the tire collection establishments adjacent to them. Finally, the This paper was prepared in order to show the impact that has been generated by the poor disposal of used tires in recent years in the city of Bogota, taking as a study area the town of Ciudad Bolivar to be the most affected during the years 2019, 2020 and 2021, being among the most constant localities that throw used tires in public spaces. Through a bibliographic and regulatory review on the collection, disposal and use of this special waste in Bogotá D.C., together with the visits made to the used tires collectors in order to know the management that is currently given to this waste and the identification of the dumping points of this special waste, a description of the situation found is presented together with a comparison of the units collected from the dumping points of used tires in public spaces found in the city of Bogota during the years 2019, 2020 and 2021, managing to identify the most constant dumping points of used tires in public spaces in the city of Bogota, 2020 and 2021, managing to identify the locality of Ciudad Bolivar that has been most affected during these last years, so this locality was taken as the area under study in order to perform an analysis of the existing relationship between the points of dumping of tires in public spaces and the tire collection establishments adjacent to them. Finally, the This paper was prepared in order to show the impact that has been generated by the poor disposal of used tires in recent years in the city of Bogota, taking as a study area the town of Ciudad Bolivar to be the most affected during the years 2019, 2020 and 2021, being among the most constant localities that throw used tires in public spaces. Through a bibliographic and regulatory review on the collection, disposal and use of this special waste in Bogotá D.C., together with the visits made to the used tires collectors in order to know the management that is currently given to this waste and the identification of the dumping points of this special waste, a description of the situation found is presented together with a comparison of the units collected from the dumping points of used tires in public spaces found in the city of Bogota during the years 2019, 2020 and 2021, managing to identify the most constant dumping points of used tires in public spaces in the city of Bogota, 2020 and 2021, managing to identify the locality of Ciudad Bolivar that has been most affected during these last years, so this locality was taken as the area under study in order to perform an analysis of the existing relationship between the points of dumping of tires in public spaces and the tire collection establishments adjacent to them. Finally, the This paper was prepared in order to show the impact that has been generated by the poor disposal of used tires in recent years in the city of Bogota, taking as a study area the town of Ciudad Bolivar to be the most affected during the years 2019, 2020 and 2021, being among the most constant localities that throw used tires in public spaces. Through a bibliographic and regulatory review on the collection, disposal and use of this special waste in Bogotá D.C., together with the visits made to the used tires collectors in order to know the management that is currently given to this waste and the identification of the dumping points of this special waste, a description of the situation found is presented together with a comparison of the units collected from the dumping points of used tires in public spaces found in the city of Bogota during the years 2019, 2020 and 2021, managing to identify the most constant dumping points of used tires in public spaces in the city of Bogota, 2020 and 2021, managing to identify the locality of Ciudad Bolivar that has been most affected during these last years, so this locality was taken as the area under study in order to perform an analysis of the existing relationship between the points of dumping of tires in public spaces and the tire collection establishments adjacent to them. Finally, the impacts generated by the inadequate disposal of tires in this locality were evaluated, among which are the affectation of the urban landscape and becoming focal points for the proliferation of vectors, accumulation of other waste, generating contamination of water sources and soil. Finally, some recommendations were presented to the District Secretary of the Environment regarding the situation that is occurring with used tires that are dumped in public spaces in the District.pdfspaAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional ambientalPuntos de arrojo de llantas usadasResiduo especialLlantas usadasDisposición“Apoyo a la Secretaría Distrital de Ambiente en la elaboración de un diagnóstico de la situación actual sobre el aprovechamiento de las llantas usadas en el distrito"bachelorThesisIngeniería ambiental -- Tesis y disertaciones académicasResiduos de neumáticos (Ciudad Bolívar, Bogotá, Colombia)Reciclaje de llantasTratamiento de residuosOpenAccess"Support to the District Secretary of Environment in the preparation of a diagnosis of the current situation on the use of used tires in the district"Environmental impactDumping points for used tiresSpecial wasteUsed tiresDisposalAbierto (Texto Completo)