Covelli Meek, Giovanni2019-09-192019-09-19 cuerpo en el territorio artístico ha sido utilizado no solo como medio de expresión de emociones sino también como el elemento central del discurso artístico. En las teatralidades contemporáneas este discurso se hace latente; el artista del mundo contemporáneo indaga e investiga, interrogándose en profundidad sobre la función de un cuerpo en escena, que no cumple solo con la función de transmitir un texto al espectador, sino que resemantiza la obra convirtiéndose en un elemento más de la puesta en escena.Teniendo en cuenta esta premisa centro el presente artículo en la obra de la dramaturga inglesa Sarah Kane, porque en ella el cuerpo es el responsable de resemantizar y materializar las convulsiones del amor contemporáneo.Palabras clave: amor, cuerpo, Sarah Kane, teatro contemporáneo inglés. LOVE CORPORATIONS IN VIOLENT TIMES: considerations around the writings of Sarah KaneAbstractThis article questions about the modalities of war representation throughout puppets or objects in the contemporary theatrical creation, starting from a corpus of several European shows: Kamp and The Big War” by the Netherlands Company Modern Hotel, which evoke respectively the extermination Nazi camps and the first Word war; Zanjas of the French company Zapoï and the older founder of the Georgian Rezo Gabriatze: The Stalingrado Battle. The focus is particular: rather than analyzing the scenic representation of violence, it is a reflection on the notion of “animation”, which belongs to the theater of puppets, to show the specific procedures of the puppets figures in this creations, making of the war the place for a dialectic between the “discouraged” humanity and the persistence of a “soul” in the same life of the objects and the matter.Keywords: puppet, object, matter, theater, war, animation, discouraged AS FORMAS CORPORAIS DO AMOR EM TEMPOS VIOLENTOS: considerações sobre os escritos de Sarah KaneResumoO corpo no território artístico foi usado, não só como um meio de expressão de emoções, mas também como o elemento central do discurso artístico. No exibicionismo contemporâneo esse discurso torna-se latente; o artista do mundo contemporâneo inquire e faz pesquisa, questionando em profundidade a função de um corpo na cena, que não só cumpre a função de transmitir o texto ao espectador mas também ressemantiza o trabalho se tornando outro elemento da encenação.Dada esta premissa o foco da minha apresentação será o trabalho da dramaturga Inglesa Sarah Kane, porque em seus textos o corpo é o responsável de ressemantizar e materializar as convulsões do amor contemporâneo.Palavras-chave: amor, corpo, Sarah Kane, teatro contemporâneo inglés. CORPORALITÉS DE L’AMOUR EN TEMPS DE VIOLENCE: considérations autour des écrits de Sarah KaneRésuméDans le champ artistique, le corps a été utilisé non seulement comme moyen d’expression d’émotions mais aussi comme l’élément central du discours artistique. Dans les théâtralités contemporaines, ce discours devient latent ; l’artiste du monde contemporain explore et recherche, interrogeant en profondeur la fonction d’un corps en scène qui ne remplit plus seulement la fonction de transmettre un texte au spectateur, mais resémantise l’œuvre en se transformant en un élément supplémentaire de la mise en scène.Partant de cette hypothèse, cet article se centre sur l’œuvre de la dramaturge anglaise Sarah Kane, parce que, dans son théâtre, c’est au corps qu’incombe la responsabilité de resémantiser et de matérialiser les convulsions de l’amour contemporain.Mots-clés: amour, corps, Sarah Kane, théâtre contemporain anglais.This article questions about the modalities of war representation throughout puppets or objects in the contemporary theatrical creation, starting from a corpus of several European shows: Kamp and The Big War” by the Netherlands Company Modern Hotel, which evoke respectively the extermination Nazi camps and the first Word war; Zanjas of the French company Zapoï and the older founder of the Georgian Rezo Gabriatze: The Stalingrado Battle. The focus is particular: rather than analyzing the scenic representation of violence, it is a reflection on the notion of “animation”, which belongs to the theater of puppets, to show the specific procedures of the puppets figures in this creations, making of the war the place for a dialectic between the “discouraged” humanity and the persistence of a “soul” in the same life of the objects and the matter.application/pdftext/htmlDerechos de autor 2017 Revista Corpo-grafías, Estudios críticos de y desde los cuerpospuppetobjectmattertheaterwaranimationdiscouragedamorcuerpoSarah Kaneteatro contemporáneo inglésCorporalidades del amor en tiempos violentos: consideraciones alrededor de los escritos de Sarah KaneLove corporations in violent times: considerations around the writings of Sarah Kaneinfo:eu-repo/semantics/article