González, Moravia ElizabethSaray Garzón, Diana Carolina2014-06-142015-03-022014-06-142015-03-022010http://hdl.handle.net/11349/214Nowadays, the world we live in is offering us different technologies to enhance our knowledge in different ways. The impact of communications technologies has also arrived in our classrooms to permit online interaction and learning opportunities for our students. This project was done with the main objective of exploring how, through the creation of hypertexts in a virtual platform, students reflected upon and became aware of cultural patterns present in the target culture and in their own. Through the implementation of this study, participants had the opportunity to analyze and compare the similarities and differences among cultures. In this way, students showed their insights and constructed new knowledge based on their experiences, thoughts and investigations about the topics.pdfspaAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacionalhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Hypertexts as a Way to See How Students Reflect upon Culture in a Digital PlatformmasterThesisMULTIMEDIA INTERACTIVA EN LA EDUCACIÓNTECNOLOGÍA EDUCATIVASISTEMAS HIPERTEXTOMAESTRÍA EN LINGÜÍSTICA APLICADA A LA ENSEÑANZA DEL INGLES - TESIS Y DISERTACIONES ACADÉMICASinfo:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccessRestringido (Solo Referencia)