Gaona García, Paulo AlonsoBeltrán Alfonso, Ricardo AndresTorres Tautiva, Andres Giovany2016-12-132016-12-132016-11-28 huge amount of data on the Internet and the diverse list of strategies used to try to link this information with relevant searches through Linked Data have generated a revolution in data treatment and its representation. Nevertheless, the conventional search engines like Google are kept as strategies with good reception to do search processes. The following article presents a study of the development and evolution of search engines, more specifically, to analyze the relevance of findings based on the number of results displayed in paging systems with Google as a case study. Finally, it is intended to contribute to indexing criteria in search results, based on an approach to Semantic Web as a stage in the evolution of the WebThe huge amount of data on the Internet and the diverse list of strategies used to try to link this information with relevant searches through Linked Data have generated a revolution in data treatment and its representation. Nevertheless, the conventional search engines like Google are kept as strategies with good reception to do search processes. The following article presents a study of the development and evolution of search engines, more specifically, to analyze the relevance of findings based on the number of results displayed in paging systems with Google as a case study. Finally, it is intended to contribute to indexing criteria in search results, based on an approach to Semantic Web as a stage in the evolution of the WebpdfspaAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional the Relevance of Search Engines: An Overview of Google as a Case StudyINGENIERÍA DE SISTEMAS - TESIS Y DISERTACIONES ACADÉMICASMOTORES DE BÚSQUEDARELEVANCIA (RECUPERACIÓN DE INFORMACIÓN)BÚSQUEDAS EN LÍNEAALGORITMOS (COMPUTADORES)info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccessExploring the Relevance of Search Engines: An Overview of Google as a Case StudyBrowsersGoogleInternetSearchAlgorithmsRestringido (Solo Referencia)info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis