Romero Villalobos, Oswaldo AlbertoFernandez Ibarra, Luz Myriam2016-06-162016-06-162015-11-25 de un proyecto donde se evaluán problematicas de tráfico en diferentes ciudades del mundo, se analizan las soluciones que se han dado a esta problematica y se diseña un algoritmo de enrutamiento de tráfico vehicular basado en las bondades de los protocolos de enrutamiento de redes de datos, teniendo en cuenta variables claves.This preliminary research conducted on a model of vehicular traffic routing based on practices applied in other cities with similar problems, and raises the relevant variables that must be taken into account. The project is motivated considering the serious problem of mobility that exists in the city for several years, where even though the distances are not as extensive travel times if they are, this due to the congestion that occurs in different routes, in addition to the uncertainty of citizens before defining the route to be taken, it is considered that providing information to users regarding the state of the roads regarding different conditions could reduce this uncertainty and to collaborate citizens make better decisions in route to your destination, as well as avoid the jams become enlarged, improving mobility on our roadspdfspaAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 InternacionaláficoVehicularDiseño de un modelo de enrutamiento de tráfico vehicular basado en buenas practicas de otras ciudades con problemática similarMaestría en Ciencias de la Información y las Comunicaciones - Tesis y disertaciones académicasTrafico vehicularRegulación de traficoMejoramiento de procesosinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessDesign of a model vehicular traffic routing based on good practices of other cities with similar problemsTrafficVehicularAbierto (Texto Completo)info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis