Apoyo a la interventoría en el diagnóstico y alternativas de los planes maestros de acueducto incluyendo PTAP que se realiza en empresas públicas de Cundinamarca
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The internship work was carried out in Empresas Públicas de Cundinamarca S.A. ESP (EPC), in the area of operations and special projects, supporting the auditing in two consultancy contracts that had as object the studies and designs of the aqueduct master plan of two municipalities of Cundinamarca, Sibaté and Guatavita. For the time of stay supported the auditing in the first product that is the diagnosis and alternatives. Once the project has been assigned to the operations and special projects area, through the contractual and structural theme of the company so that what is stated in the contract is convenient for both the consultant and the company, the improvement to start the contract, it is necessary for the consultant to present his minimum professional team requested in the specifications which was approved in the contest of merits when he was awarded the contract, this with their respective supports of each of the professionals, a work plan where all the guidelines of how and with what the products will be developed and a schedule of activities where the time and budget that will be used in each of the activities to be carried out were specified. The auditing department was responsible for checking that each of these requirements met the quality, accuracy and time to carry out the signing of the initial act. After the initial signature, the consultant did the research and collected the primary and secondary information necessary to diagnose the characteristics of the area of study in this case, the Chacua district and two neighborhoods of Sibaté, García and Pablo Neruda. consigned population information through censuses of the Sisben, DANE, among others. A network cadastre was made from the intake to the distribution to the users, projections, endowments, flows were calculated, information of climatic stations was collected through the IDEAM, topographic surveys and water quality studies were carried out. Once the information was collected, they met in work tables between consultancy, auditing and municipality to socialize what was obtained in the diagnosis where it was evident where the real problem was located and to propose a series of logical alternatives focused on the construction of a treatment plant. potable water that can satisfy the need exposed by the municipality. The consultancy proposed the alternatives which were evaluated in a matrix governed by financial, socioeconomic and environmental parameters, selecting and approving, together with the auditing, consulting and municipality, the most viable alternative that was the construction of a PTAP with a conventional treatment train with the objective of defining a master plan with a short, medium and long term vision.