Apoyo al Jardín Botánico de Bogotá con los procesos de asistencia técnica y formativa en agricultura urbana.
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The Botanical Garden of Bogotá is responsible for the comprehensive management of the city’s green cover. Therefore, since 2004, the JBB has included urban and peri-urban agriculture from different perspectives that involve collaboration with the city’s gardeners in operational aspects, as well as the appropriation and dissemination of knowledge, and the promotion of this practice in family, community, school and institutional settings, thus contributing to educational and cultural formation, food security and environmental sustainability with respect to AU, generating and strengthening community gardens for this purpose. According to agreement 605 of 2015, “which formulates the guidelines to institutionalize the program of agroecological urban and peri-urban agriculture in the city of Bogotá”, urban agriculture seeks to use spaces around the city of Bogotá or its surroundings for the production of food from home or community gardens, this in order to respond to specific food needs and food insecurity. Therefore, the Botanical Garden of Bogotá creates the Urban Agriculture program, through which it contributes to learning processes and community work. Even though Bogotá has a great diversity and abundance of food, research indicates that most of the products available on the market are not accessible, healthy or sustainable. In addition, the use of inappropriate methods at different stages of the food chain carries risks and consequences for the environment and human health, which poses a considerable challenge for the creation of a food-conscious citizenship. (CONPES 09, 2019)