Representaciones semióticas alrededor del concepto de función en estudiantes de ingeniería
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Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Este artículo retoma parte de una investigación cuyo objeto de estudio son las representaciones semióticas en la enseñanza alrededor del concepto de función en el cálculo diferencial. Tiene como objetivo analizar las representaciones semióticas a partir de la preferencia en los tipos de registro que adoptan los estudiantes alrededor del concepto de función en las carreras de ingeniería, específicamente, en la asignatura Cálculo Diferencial. Se toman como marco de referencia los trabajos de DUVAL (1993, 1998) y HITT (2000), los cuales evidencian favorabilidad derivada de la articulación coherentede los diversos registros de representación semiótica en los procesos de enseñanza (registro algebraico, registro gráfico, registro tabular, entre otros). La investigación se enmarca dentro de un diseño cuasi-experimental y nivel explicativo descriptivo. En los resultados encontrados se identificó que los estudiantes ingresan a la educación superior con bajo nivel conceptual de precálculo, lo que dificulta la comprensión de nuevos conceptos. Por otra parte, se evidencia que persiste el modelo de enseñanza tradicionalen el cual, como se ha mencionado en diferentes investigaciones, predomina el registroalgebraico sobre otros registros de representación, lo que, en el momento de resolver problemas rutinarios y no rutinarios, dificulta al estudiante la búsqueda de soluciones acertadas. Se destaca que la articulación de los diversos registros de representación permite validar la teoría de DUVAL (1998), reafirmando que en la comprensión de los conceptos matemáticos no debe hacerse de manera directa, como en otras áreas, por lo que es necesario emplear distintas formas de representación y establecer una correcta conexión e intervinculación con el fin de garantizar el aprendizaje en los estudiantes.
This paper takes into account part of a research whose object of study is semiotic representations in teaching concept of function. It aims to analyze semiotic representations based on preference in types of record that students adopt around the concept of function in engineering careers, specifically, in the subject Differential Calculus. We take as a frame of reference the proposals by Duval (1993, 1998) and Hitt (2000), which showing favorability derived from coherent articulation between various registers of semiotic representation in teaching (algebraic registration, graphic record, tabulate registration, among others). This research is a quasi-experimental design in a descriptive explanatory level. Results let us to identify that students enter higher education have low pre-calculus conceptual level, making it difficult to acquire new concepts. It is evident that traditional model of education persists; in which, as mentioned in different researches, algebraic registration predominates over other representation registers, whose consequence is that when solving routine and no routine problems, students can not find successful solutions. We emphasize that articulation between different representation registers allow us to validate the theory of Duval (1998), reaffirming that mathematical concepts, unlike the inherent concepts of many disciplines, cannot be addressed directly, so shapes that represent them are required and correct articulation of them allows students to appropriate the concepts.
This paper takes into account part of a research whose object of study is semiotic representations in teaching concept of function. It aims to analyze semiotic representations based on preference in types of record that students adopt around the concept of function in engineering careers, specifically, in the subject Differential Calculus. We take as a frame of reference the proposals by Duval (1993, 1998) and Hitt (2000), which showing favorability derived from coherent articulation between various registers of semiotic representation in teaching (algebraic registration, graphic record, tabulate registration, among others). This research is a quasi-experimental design in a descriptive explanatory level. Results let us to identify that students enter higher education have low pre-calculus conceptual level, making it difficult to acquire new concepts. It is evident that traditional model of education persists; in which, as mentioned in different researches, algebraic registration predominates over other representation registers, whose consequence is that when solving routine and no routine problems, students can not find successful solutions. We emphasize that articulation between different representation registers allow us to validate the theory of Duval (1998), reaffirming that mathematical concepts, unlike the inherent concepts of many disciplines, cannot be addressed directly, so shapes that represent them are required and correct articulation of them allows students to appropriate the concepts.
Palabras clave
articulation of registers, function, algebraic register, graphic record, semiotic representations, articulación de registros, función, registro algebraico, registro gráfico, representaciones semióticas