La formación en derechos humanos mediante los dilemas morales en el curso 702 del Colegio San Bernardino de Bosa : el sujeto activo de derechos para la resignificación de la cultura del aula
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This monograph presents the research carried out during the innovation circle of the Bachelor Degree of Social Studies of the Universidad Distrital that corresponds to the stage of investigation and academic practice. It was made in Colegio San Bernardino of the town Bosa, focused in education of Human Rights for the students of 702 working day afternoon, where it was possible to make visible problems around student training due to cultural practices in the classroom and their traditional dynamics of hierarchy, domination, submission and heteronomy. Focused the work to a better understanding of the education in Human Rights for the formation of an active subject of Rights where it is sought to re-signify these cultural practices. In the same way, this project has as a transversal theme the ethical training of students for the reflection of everyday decisions that affect them in their own context.