Corrección Radiométrica Y Extracción De Información Fenológica De La Papa Parda Pastusa A Partir De Imágenes Multiespectrales Tomadas Por Un Vehículo Aéreo No Tripulado (UAV)
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Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have been getting interest to researchers and scientific communities for their usefulness in remote sensing applications (Zhou, 2009).Remote sensing systems UAV can be quickly and easily used, but they are expensive. In recent years, conventional cameras have been used like some remote sensing applications because this cameras has little weight, size, potential to save many images and the ability to be modified to obtain information on other channels such as infrared (Hardin, 2011).A disadvantage of these cameras has not radiometric calibration parameters. A applications developed between remote sensing and UAV platforms is precision agriculture, that is used for reduce costs, increase productivity and make more efficient use of inputs for crops (Bongiovanni, 2004). In this paper we study the possibility of using tools as conventional cameras that capture information in the visible and infrared sensors located in a UAV DJI F550, which can capture images with high spatial resolution and then calibrate the cameras for changed to reflectance values, After we made a phenological segmentation with vegetation indices and supervised from a potato "parda pastusa" crop located in the Cundinamarca Villapinzón