El juego teatral, una posibilidad pedagógica a favor de la comunicación asertiva
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The present pedagogical-research project tries to show how the Theatrical play and the empowerment of the corporal expression like enablers of experiences Assertive communicative skills in children between 5 and 9 years of age in a non-formal education Formal denominated Cultivarte, with population with diverse Educational Needs. Here it is Evidence of how through a work dedicated to exalting the body as a valid actor, that Possesses certain languages, knowledge and forms of expression; That communicates and says Beyond what is said or written, it is possible to foster Cooperation, collaborative work and the possibility of generating communicative spaces more Adequate and positive benefits for boys and girls. Thus, a commitment to exploit those Possibilities that formal educational spaces leave aside, allow developing dimensions Of children who strengthen their capacities for interaction, communication, being and being in the world.