Análisis y propuesta de orientación socio ocupacional prospectiva: contrastes, relaciones y tensiones entre los procesos de inmersión universitaria y de articulación de la media para el trabajo y la educación superior
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The present investigation intends to generate a review of the ways in which the guidance practices that are developed in the current school context, may be going through the subjective constructions of the students at the culmination of their school stage, especially, from the modalities of Articulation of Media and University Immersion, which are experienced on the one hand, under the gaze of a district school, as is the case of the "Institución Educativa Distrital Ciudadela Educativa de Bosa" (CEB), and in parallel, in the school of private character "Hermano Miguel La Salle High School" (LHEMI). To that extent, this document presents the scope, limitations and conclusions that make up the Prospective Socio-Occupational Guidance proposal called: "When Looks Speak", which offers an innovative alternative that is supported by the various contributions of the Prospective Autobiographical Method.