Trabajos de Pregrado y Especializaciones
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Ítem 10.000 PalabrasManga Donoso, Jefersson David; Ferrer Franco, YuryAfter an investigation about colombian conflict and how the life and territory of the Colombian has been transformed, a hypothesis is presented where the conflict begins on the subject's own duality of its cultural and racial mixture is presented and then transmuted into a new identity wich becames of this mixture, generating an universal citizen that doesn´t necessarily have physical features that define it as colombian, it is because of their common stories and beliefs, everything reflected in different faces and landscapes that are changing but despite that memories continue to demand a people that fights, and the victims of this war with a series of images and by xylographi technique make evident what was said previously.Ítem 1948: del big bang a la música callejeraMontt Lozano, Fabio Andrés Sebastián; Pinilla Zuleta, Sara GabrielaThis project was born in the second half of 2013 and had two circumstances that motivated his existence. The first was to have met Edgar Espinoza who generated me a Important question How much academia "institutionalizes" artist? The second question You have to do with the way you build identity in public spaces: To what extent do the cultural manifestations on the streets reflect beyond the use of Space a tradition? Bearing in mind that this historic moment the streets and public transport have been Become musical scenarios, this is why the research process went through two Stages: the first was based on the historical context in order to understand where This tendency in the city, and the second stage consisted in carrying out a work of Field, which was based on sound records, photographic material and interaction With the musicians. The project has three plastic components: paint, sound in the Space and a digital memory with the most relevant aspects of the project, such as Photographs, recordings taken of the musicians, the transcription of them and a map Showing where the city was taken, the viewer will be able to access this Information through a QR code that will send you to the project link.Ítem 23 ritmos y una esperaCamelo Jiménez, Angie Carolina; Foglia Ortegate, AndrésHow long can waiting for? How much waiting has made him lose time? How many things exist in a space? Why the time has eroded? What if things speak? How many experiences exist in everything? Where are they? They are some of the many doubts that have made my space is valued by the peculiarities that have objects; awakening in me an indecipherable waiting for a do not know what and why in different periods of time. This is how you make the decision to use the time as a single process and equipment to reach 23 << >> rhythms and a wait, a place where the wait is interminable and oblivion exaggerates the role of the elements, where the game seeks to win the conventional while constantly lives in everyday life, leaving behind indifference to highlight every detail. A full of metaphoric connotations that reflects that time that does not allow installation perceive beyond; revealing a wait, which recognized the banality to complement an experience that is continually losing or killing time.Ítem 24 mujeres visten un difunto. Celebraciones instructivas(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Vela, Clara Josefina; Martínez Uzeta, CarolinaLa presente investigación en creación se enmarca en la categoría de arte de acción, incluyendo en ella el Happening, el Fluxus, el Situacionismo y el Arte de Comportamiento ya que comparten elementos con el ritual en cuanto a su estructura y nos sirven como fuente histórica y conceptual en la construcción de la experiencia estética. La herramienta plástica a usar es la instrucción. Para ello se sitúa en un espacio público y de esta manera ser ejecutada por un colectivo, eligiendo la fiesta como campo de acción, de carácter ritual capaz de congregar individuos alrededor de un motivo, generar nuevas dinámicas de celebración permitiendo la interacción de los cocreadores y la rememoración motivo del encuentro como: el Día de la Mujer, el cumpleaños, Halloween y Año Viejo. Cada una de estas instrucciones nace de evocar el recuerdo de una historia de vida individual, sobre la vivencia de las celebraciones anteriormente citadas con investigaciones y documentos bibliográficos que nos aportan el origen y las formas de construcción de cada uno de los rituales festivos, y de esta manera generar una acción-motivo materializada en una práctica artística dada mediante el instructivo, que permite contextualizar y contemporanizar el rito, además de congregare un colectivo bajo un mismo fin.Ítem 3 piezas colombianas para dúo de clarinetes aplicando técnicas extendidas (soprano y bajo)Jauregui Vera, José Fernando; Gómez García, José FernandoThe degree work is structured based on the creation and interpretation modality suggested by the ASAB faculty of arts of the District University. In this work, a written document will be created where the cultural contextualization will be exposed, a brief analysis of each sketch, the interpretive resources, the methods for the execution of the extended techniques and the compositional form of said sketches. Also, the physical musical document will be attached, edited according to the conventional musical notation (score). Likewise, a live concert will be performed interpreting the 3 sketches. Before interpreting each sketch, it will be told how the composition process was, the idea and the concepts that support them.Ítem 6969Pita Corredor, Carolina; Rodríguez, Humberto AlexisA sweet and sensual voice, along with an eloquent speech, are the powerful weapons which a young but withered woman dissatisfied with herself, uses to go over a path that leads her to discover in a manner quite singular, the most bizarre sexual perversions. Thus, Susana becomes a phone sex operator and creates with her fantastic imagination, an alter ego which has all the beauty, confidence and self-esteem impossible to find in herself. Every time the phone rings, Susana brings to life the incredible femme fatale that she always wanted to be, making her so real that she even gets to the point of creating in the mirror which witnesses in silence, her countless and morbid conversations, the reflection of the curvy and sexy woman. This "sexual monster”, has as mission to satisfy the sexual fantasies of men who call her over the phone hoping to get the pleasure that real life and even real women have denied to them, in complicity with the existing social censure in response to their unusual fetishes. In the same way, Cristina represents for Susana a kind of vice that helps her to evade her own frustrations.Ítem 8 bits de memoria música 8 bits, kaoss pad, guitarra eléctrica y batería. Proyecto de investigación creación en educación artística(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Hernández, Felipe; Polo Betancourt, Rigoberto; Garzón Reyes, Edwin; Barriga Monroy, Martha LucíaLa generación de los 80s y 90s, se vio fuertemente influenciada por el uso de dispositivos electrónicos para su diversión. Los juegos y juguetes tradicionales se vieron reemplazados por nuevas propuestas de entretenimiento para la juventud y la infancia. Esta tendencia influencio a una gran parte de la población y quedo grabada en la memoria de los jóvenes que confluimos en la misma. Dentro de estas nuevas tendencias las consolas de videojuegos tuvieron gran importancia y desarrollo. En esta época surgió la tercera generación en videojuegos con consolas como el Famicom de Nintendo Versión japonesa, NES (Nintendo Entertainment System), Sega Master System de SEGA y Atari 7800 de Atari, las cuales ofrecieron grandes innovaciones y nuevas experiencias para sus usuarios, como el desarrollo gráfico, las historias dentro de los juegos y su música conocida como 8 bits, creada a partir de chips de sonido programados. Cada videojuego que salía al mercado venia acompañado de una sonoridad característica, que al igual que su personaje principal y el espacio dado dentro del juego ayudaban a recordarlo con mayor facilidad. Uno de los más representativos es Mario Bros desarrollado por Nintendo a partir de 1983, la historia de este plomero, sus aventuras y la música que las acompañaba quedaron grabadas en la memoria colectiva de nuestra generación.Ítem A bailar jugando rondas pre-dancísitcas colombianasMontoya Sánchez, Julian David; Llanos Cortes, Ingrid Lizeth; Orozco Díaz, Sebastian; Plata Martínez, HanzThe topics included within this research-creation revolve around the recognition of the main colombian airs and folkloric rhythms and the development of motor, rhythmic and cognitive skills by children in the early stages of schooling. These skills are generated, beginning with the implementation of four (4) traditional pre-dance rounds based of the main Colombian dances, which are Joropo, Cumbia, Bambuco and Currulao. For this purpose, a deep investigation was made about the main rhythms and dances that make up the different regions of the country. And that resulted in the round “El juego de la mar”, as a representation of the Cumbia; “El cangrejo cojo” as a representation of the currulao; “Papa con yuca” as a representation of Bambuco and “Rutina campesina” as a representation of Joropo.Ítem A Cuerda de Chonta tres composiciones para guitarra eléctrica y formato de marimba basadas en el género del currulao del Litoral Pacífico sur de ColombiaPineda Monroy, Samuel Andrés; Torres Donneys, JaimeA Cuerda De Chonta is an investigation about the marimba musics of the South Pacific That aims to adapt and build a sound and interpretive language between the Marimba and the electric guitar, approaching said instrument cordófono to new languages Of interpretation based on the structures, forms and Relevant to the genre of currulao as well as its different types of coup, an autochthonous genus And traditional music of the South Pacific coast.Ítem ¡A escena! Sesiones artístico-pedagógicas dirigidas a docentes en formación para la comprensión de su timidez, a partir de los juegos teatrales y la exploración personalRiscanevo Lozano, Paula Alejandra; Moreno Muñoz, José Andrés; Martínez Uzeta, CarolinaThis monograph in life history and life story, focuses on a life experience obtained from the meeting of a group of teachers in training of the Bachelor's Degree in Art Education, who for various reasons found it difficult to face the public or to develop easily in social environments. That is why, through the artistic-pedagogical sessions designed for this purpose, dramatization, personal and corporal introspection exercises were used as tools, strengthening communication and expression skills, which are necessary techniques in the classroom for the teaching field. All the findings and learning of each participant were reflected in the creation of logs that were transmuted into vita-coras.Ítem A la luna rro rro. Canción de cuna para dormir a un niño(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Ballen Fuquene, Luis Elbert; Villa Macías, Clemencia"En el medio musical el cancionero popular infantil presenta gran variedad de obras que permiten recrear el mundo sonoro, lúdico y fantástico de los niños y las niñas. Dentro de esta gama de canciones se encuentra la nana, conocida como arrullo o canción de cuna. En nuestro medio, normalmente la canción infantil es un género musical incipiente debido a varias razones, entre las cuales se destaca el considerarla una expresión sin importancia, de otra parte y debido a diversas ocupaciones en el día a día, la mayoría de la población adulta no canta, lo que redunda en la ausencia de un modo sonoro musical propiamente infantil, de tal manera que los niños no pueden cantar lo que en su cuna y en general en su primera infancia no han escuchado. La transculturización, que domina el mensaje musical con información sonora para adultos llega de mas allá de nuestras fronteras patrias, es otro fenómeno social que a la vez desplaza las posibilidades de expresión musical propias, autóctonas y espontaneas, se queda en el nivel de lo adulto invadiendo lo infantil. en este contexto, la obra musical con tema de nana de arrullo que presenta este trabajo de grado, pretende aportar, primero al cancionero de este género de expresión y segundo, al ambiente sonoro musical infantil de nuestro medio cultural. ""A la luna rro rro"" es una composición infantil que se estructura en arreglo coral polifónico, como resultado del proceso de formación musical de la Licenciatura en Educación Básica con énfasis en Educación Artística."Ítem A la muerte y otros delirios, literatura en tiempos de pandemiaReyes Vergara, Diana Jinneth; Borja Alarcón, IsabelThis work is a compilation of short stories about mental delusions and death. It is a sign that we are close to psychotic events that are in the author's imagination. A step has been made in the history of various writers, who have crossed the sanity's line to be geniuses of mystery in literature. His contributions to modern creation are highly appreciated; in fact, today the ease has taken over the thoughts of young people, resulting in a low potential in reading and cultural knowledge. It is a moral, ethical and professional duty to provide effective tools with educational value.Therefore, an interdisciplinary work has been arranged to finalize the literary and illustrative creation.The anthology called "Death and Other Delusions" contains ten short stories with illustrations.Ítem À la nappeOrjuela Arjona, Dayana Del Pilar; Alfaro Echavarría, Ángel Basilio; Shambo Gonzáles, FerneyThis text seeks to compare some of the aspects that shape the fantasies or expectations prior to the first sexual relationship of a group of young people, with the reality of the events that occurred. The interview. It serves us as a qualitative measurement instrument, allowing a particular follow-up of each individual regarding their experiences. This leads to a relational and graphic plastic result: An installation that revolves around some zines that contain cake recipes as a metaphor for the stories told.Ítem A la Puesta del Sol: obra vocal inspirada en el paisaje sonoro de un atardecer en BogotáAldana Antolínez, Angélica María; Sánchez Gooding, Luis FernandoThe present document talks about the composition process of a vocal work based on the soundscape of Bogota City during the sunset. Different concepts were considered in the making of this work: soundscape, spectromorphology, acousmatic and spatial form are approached, looking forward to understand what happens with the sound at this time of the day. I also want to understand what happens with the voices considering the different phonemes that can be used in the Spanish language and apply these concepts to the composition.Ítem A Multifractal Wavelet Model for the Generation of Lrd Traffic Traces With Adjustable ParametersTuberquia David, Luis Miguel; López Chávez, Hans IgorThe available multifractal traffic finite-length time series to implement performance test of the management, control and admission algorithms, and level of service about M/M/1 models for WAN/LAN communication systems are very few and their recollection through current mechanisms is very slow due to the amount of data that must be obtained. Hence, it is necessary to develop a tool which synthesizes traces with multifractal features and allows the stochastic parameters configuration as its average, Hurst parameter and, multifractal spectrum width. This article describes the development of a proposed algorithm to generate multifractal traffic finite-length time series with a Hurst parameter and the multifractal spectrum width, sampling and adjustable, called MultiFractal Hurst Spectrum Width (MFHSW). The MFHSW algorithm is based on the MultiFractal Hurst model (MFH) and on the Multifractal Wavelet Model (MWM), to construct the time series through a binomial multiplicative cascade. The main contribution of the MFHSW algorithm is to allow adjusting both the Hurst parameter and the multifractal spectrum width, the aforementioned is achieved by appropriately modifying the beta distributions that conform the binomial cascade. Consequently, the impact developed by the algorithm to the trace generation with multifractal features will be the improvement in the simulation and data network modeling. The MFHW algorithm behaves as an expert system when inferring to distribution of the beta coefficients present in the scales that make part of the binomial cascade starting from the stochastic parameters configured by the user, and obtaining the corresponding time series through an inference engine. To validate the algorithm effectiveness, a trace with the Hurst parameter sampling and the multifractal spectrum width similar to the presented in a network traffic time series are synthetized. The MFHSW happens to be a promising tool for the modeling of time series applicable to diverse fields as the traffic engineering, finances, biomedical signals, among other real traces with multifractal features.Ítem A nálisis de precios unitarios para un sistema de riego por goteo y por aspersión en el Departamento de BoyacáHerrera Rodríguez, José Antonio; Nieto Aranguren, Juan Sebastián; Pérez Carvajal, Edwin RobertIn a valuation order for the rural area, many factors are important to establish the value of a good, but in some cases the infrastructure that influences the generation of income is not taken into account, for the benefit of the owner, as is the complementary infrastructure in crop improvement. As time goes by, the implementation of infrastructure for the improvement of the water supply, the Crop productivity and efficiency has been an important step for the agricultural sector and in general for the country's economy. In the same way in the valuation environment, due to the importance of the activity, the regulation of the same arose from the issuance of Law 1673 of 2013 with the purpose of regulating and establishing the responsibilities and competences of the professionals who exercise the Activity in Colombia (Appraisers, 2013). After this Law, Decree 556 of 2014 emerges, which regulates the Law and particularly in Article 5, defines the natures in which the appraisers may register in the Open Registry of Appraisers –RAA-, for which, in the condition of rural real estate is contemplated within its scope "... irrigation systems, roads, adaptation of soils, wells, lots for agricultural use and other facilities with exploitation activities located entirely in areas on rural land" (Appraisers, 2013 ). That is why, with the present work, the unit price analysis of the necessary inputs for a drip and sprinkler irrigation system located in the department of Boyacá will be carried out, with the purpose of being a source and input for the valuation guild at time to have to calculate the price of this infrastructure in a rural appraisal.Ítem A oídos sordosAcosta Benavides, Hugo Alexander; León Suárez, Juliana PatriciaThis is a degree project whose research question is: How can we communicate and express ourselves between listeners and non-listeners for a dance staging ? Carried out with the fourth grade children of the Colegio La Saburía. We take dance as a means of communication, finding a pedagogy for a diverse children's population (deaf, hard of hearing, autistic and hearing). We found a result of healthy coexistence between children and different media that gave us the creation of a dance performance on the stage.Ítem A primer E-Book for listening and speaking based on local knowledgeAcosta Rojas, Erika; Barrera Cárdenas, Danna Valentina; Candia Hurtado, Martha CeciliaThis paper describes an ongoing project that consists of the elaboration of an innovative and interactive e-book on the English learning process in adolescents. This study explores issues related to Colombian culture and the reinforcement of listening and speaking with it. Participants are beginner ELL between 12 and 15 years old. The inquiry will employ surveys, interviews, and participants’ reflections. Data will be analysed using multi-angle observations, the principles of axial codification, and discourse analysis. Initial hypotheses suggest that the development of identity and patriotic love can be affected when teachers only use external cultures for learning. It is also established that speaking and listening need reinforcement since there is not too much attention to these skills. This project expects to enhance the learners’ perception of their own culture as they develop the target language through the e-book.Ítem A Quien dice educarHernández Perico, Derly Dalila; Sanchez, Jorge DavidThe created object belongs to the epistolary genre; whose creation stems from personal reflections about male domination, dependency and symbolic manipulation, many women suffering in the world, particularly in school; in cases where from the position of power-knowledge that the teacher presents a culture, like Colombia, their investiture is used for personal purposes, linking sentimental and / or sexually with a student, which, being another factor of perpetuation of symbolic domination of women, fades contemporary ideals of education and human development.Ítem A tres bandas. Tres obras latinoamericanas para banda de vientos(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Reyes Castañeda, Gustavo Alberto; Valencia, VictorianoColombia cuenta con uno de los movimientos de bandas de música más numeroso, diverso y dinámico de América Latina. Estas agrupaciones que surgieron en el país a finales del siglo XVIII, no solamente han sido las principales animadoras de las festividades (religiosas, actos protocolarios, etc.), sino que han representado desde sus inicios un espacio simbólico de autorreconocimiento y pertenencia, de gran valor cultural para cientos de localidades en todo el territorio nacional. 1 Estas bandas están integradas por músicos académicos y en mayor cantidad aficionados, quienes dedican parte de su tiempo libre a la práctica de algún instrumento. Según la información recopilada por el Área de Música del Ministerio de Cultura, existen en la actualidad aproximadamente 1215 bandas ubicadas en 838 municipios de todos los departamentos, lo que significa que el 76.4% de los municipios existentes tienen bandas. De estas agrupaciones se estima que cerca del 85% son juveniles e infantiles, y el otro 15% son bandas de músicos mayores urbanos y campesinos, como en el caso de las bandas de la región de las sabanas de la región Caribe, Nariño, Huila y Tolima, en donde hay agrupaciones integradas por músicos formados en la tradición bandística. 2 En cuanto a su repertorio se puede decir que es muy rico y variado, cuentan con obras tanto del repertorio clásico universal (muchas adaptadas para tal agrupación) como del popular. En la actualidad, las bandas de vientos en nuestro país significan para los jóvenes oportunidades de desarrollo de un proyecto de vida alrededor de la música, en tanto son en sí mismas plataforma de un proceso artístico y formativo.3 A Tres Bandas son tres obras de carácter popular para banda de vientos, creadas con el fin de aportar repertorio de calidad a este tipo de agrupación. Los ritmos escogidos para tales obras son representativos de las regiones seleccionadas. Se tiene así: 1. Costa Atlántica colombiana: ritmo de Porro, 2. Región Andina colombiana: ritmo de Bambuco y 3. Brasil: Bosa Nova y Samba.