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Ítem 0000La Opinión; Universidad Francisco José de Caldas, Facultad de Ciencias y Educación Centro de Documentación en Ciencias SocialesLa imagen contiene una noticia acerca de una reunión en casa del presidente de la Unión, a la que asistieron varios propietarios y comerciantes invitados por el señor Murillo. El propósito era escuchar el informe del ingeniero civil Indalecio Liévano sobre la ruta óptima para construir un camino hacia el río Magdalena. Liévano propuso una ruta que partiría de la boca de la quebrada de "La Perera" en el río Magdalena, seguiría el curso del "Rionegro" hasta Sasaima. Esta ruta de trece leguas se considera ideal para un ferrocarril. Murillo, preocupada por el progreso, alienta a los capitalistas a considerar esta empresa como un negocio rentable, que beneficiaría a todos y abriría la puerta al progreso y la estabilidad. Noticia publicada en La Opinión N° 95, Noviembre, 30 - 1864Ítem 1/f NOISE(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Betancourt Uscategui, AlvaroÍtem 10 libros en un año. Sistematización de una experiencia de lecturaPaez Vigoya, Doris Adriana; Borja Orozco, Mirian GlidisThe research contains the systematization of the experience "10 libros en un año" to recognize its incidence in the formation of readers of the IED Villas del Progreso. Through oral, audiovisual and written sources, each of the elements that make up the experience became visible and with this, the reconstruction of the facts began. The methodology used corresponds to the qualitative approach based on the design and systematization of experiences. Thus validating both the initial phase and the implementation phase of the project carried out between 2014 and 2018. Finally, it was concluded that the aspects identified in the proposal "10 libros en un año " can represent the basis for the consolidation of an institutional reading program that contributes to the formation of a community of readers made up of parents, teachers and students.Ítem “10 Minutos” Performance Digital. Una hibridación cuerpo-imagen-sonido(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Ariza, Daniel; Guzmán, Adriana; Murcia, Alejandra; Martínez, FabiánÍtem 10.000 PalabrasManga Donoso, Jefersson David; Ferrer Franco, YuryAfter an investigation about colombian conflict and how the life and territory of the Colombian has been transformed, a hypothesis is presented where the conflict begins on the subject's own duality of its cultural and racial mixture is presented and then transmuted into a new identity wich becames of this mixture, generating an universal citizen that doesn´t necessarily have physical features that define it as colombian, it is because of their common stories and beliefs, everything reflected in different faces and landscapes that are changing but despite that memories continue to demand a people that fights, and the victims of this war with a series of images and by xylographi technique make evident what was said previously.Ítem 1948: del big bang a la música callejeraMontt Lozano, Fabio Andrés Sebastián; Pinilla Zuleta, Sara GabrielaThis project was born in the second half of 2013 and had two circumstances that motivated his existence. The first was to have met Edgar Espinoza who generated me a Important question How much academia "institutionalizes" artist? The second question You have to do with the way you build identity in public spaces: To what extent do the cultural manifestations on the streets reflect beyond the use of Space a tradition? Bearing in mind that this historic moment the streets and public transport have been Become musical scenarios, this is why the research process went through two Stages: the first was based on the historical context in order to understand where This tendency in the city, and the second stage consisted in carrying out a work of Field, which was based on sound records, photographic material and interaction With the musicians. The project has three plastic components: paint, sound in the Space and a digital memory with the most relevant aspects of the project, such as Photographs, recordings taken of the musicians, the transcription of them and a map Showing where the city was taken, the viewer will be able to access this Information through a QR code that will send you to the project link.Ítem 20 años más tarde(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) IPAZUD, GrupoÍtem El 20 de Julio sera la exhibición nacionalDiario de Cundinamarca; Facultad de ciencias y educación, Licenciatura en ciencias socialesThe image presents a news about: "July 20th is the day designated by the executive power to exhibit the spontaneous products of the forests and unpopulated territories, and the exportable agricultural products, which all the states of the union send to this capital. The aims of the national government have been highly beneficial and civilizing for the country, seeking by this means to awaken the industrious genius of the Colombians, and requesting the assistance of all those who truly love their country to cooperate with their help to the creation of new elements of wealth and prosperity that give life to our poor and incipient industry." Published in the Diario de Cundinamarca No. 466, June 20, 1871Ítem "El 20 de Julio"El Nacional; Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas Facultad de Ciencias y Educación Centro de Documentación en Ciencias SocialesThe image contains news about July 20, which celebrates the anniversary of independence in the city of Bogotá, marking the day when, in 1810, the capital took a crucial step towards its autonomous political life. This event was the result of patriotic sentiment that flourished after three hundred years of servitude under the colonial system. Bogotá, as the capital, played a central role in the development of independence, being the meeting point for men from all provinces who sought knowledge. News published in El Nacional No. 4, July 28, 1866.Ítem 20 Julio 1908EL PORVENIR; Universidad Francisco José de Caldas, Facultad de Ciencias y Educación Centro de Documentación en Ciencias SocialesThe image contains news about a tribute that was carried out in 1908 with the objective of commemorating the founding fathers of July 20, 1810, several monuments of Colombia are described such as the monolith, then they mention descriptions of the south and west sides of the main square in 1810, the west side composed of (VI) houses which belonged to important people of the time, as well as on the south side where building number 1 called the audience was located, which had the objective of serving as the office of the court and there abhorred evil, punished crimes, preserved rights and honored virtue, finally we describe the monument to the founding fathers which was directed by the General Santander. News published in the newspaper EL PORVENIR, No. 672, July 20-1908.Ítem 23 ritmos y una esperaCamelo Jiménez, Angie Carolina; Foglia Ortegate, AndrésHow long can waiting for? How much waiting has made him lose time? How many things exist in a space? Why the time has eroded? What if things speak? How many experiences exist in everything? Where are they? They are some of the many doubts that have made my space is valued by the peculiarities that have objects; awakening in me an indecipherable waiting for a do not know what and why in different periods of time. This is how you make the decision to use the time as a single process and equipment to reach 23 << >> rhythms and a wait, a place where the wait is interminable and oblivion exaggerates the role of the elements, where the game seeks to win the conventional while constantly lives in everyday life, leaving behind indifference to highlight every detail. A full of metaphoric connotations that reflects that time that does not allow installation perceive beyond; revealing a wait, which recognized the banality to complement an experience that is continually losing or killing time.Ítem 24 mujeres visten un difunto. Celebraciones instructivas(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Vela, Clara Josefina; Martínez Uzeta, CarolinaLa presente investigación en creación se enmarca en la categoría de arte de acción, incluyendo en ella el Happening, el Fluxus, el Situacionismo y el Arte de Comportamiento ya que comparten elementos con el ritual en cuanto a su estructura y nos sirven como fuente histórica y conceptual en la construcción de la experiencia estética. La herramienta plástica a usar es la instrucción. Para ello se sitúa en un espacio público y de esta manera ser ejecutada por un colectivo, eligiendo la fiesta como campo de acción, de carácter ritual capaz de congregar individuos alrededor de un motivo, generar nuevas dinámicas de celebración permitiendo la interacción de los cocreadores y la rememoración motivo del encuentro como: el Día de la Mujer, el cumpleaños, Halloween y Año Viejo. Cada una de estas instrucciones nace de evocar el recuerdo de una historia de vida individual, sobre la vivencia de las celebraciones anteriormente citadas con investigaciones y documentos bibliográficos que nos aportan el origen y las formas de construcción de cada uno de los rituales festivos, y de esta manera generar una acción-motivo materializada en una práctica artística dada mediante el instructivo, que permite contextualizar y contemporanizar el rito, además de congregare un colectivo bajo un mismo fin.Ítem 3 piezas colombianas para dúo de clarinetes aplicando técnicas extendidas (soprano y bajo)Jauregui Vera, José Fernando; Gómez García, José FernandoThe degree work is structured based on the creation and interpretation modality suggested by the ASAB faculty of arts of the District University. In this work, a written document will be created where the cultural contextualization will be exposed, a brief analysis of each sketch, the interpretive resources, the methods for the execution of the extended techniques and the compositional form of said sketches. Also, the physical musical document will be attached, edited according to the conventional musical notation (score). Likewise, a live concert will be performed interpreting the 3 sketches. Before interpreting each sketch, it will be told how the composition process was, the idea and the concepts that support them.Ítem 30 gallinas por una niñita- prácticas de impunidad sobre niñez femenina en Colombia basadas en el caso de Yuliana Andrea Samboní MuñozGarcía Agudelo, Johanna Katherinne; Pinzón Ramírez, MaritzaThis creation investigation part of the word understood as aesthetic agency and denunciation, and weaves in a violent crossing of visualities on enunciations of problematic subjects and actions, an exercise of scriptural indiscipline hybridizing different sources (journalistic, criminalistic, media and news) to structure a analysis of the impunity practices that circulate around female childhood in Colombia based on the case of Yuliana Andrea Samboní Muñoz, and through which similar events are woven. Under the guidance of moral sentiments in Kant, and from the concept of monster as a social offender reproduced by the media, he delves into the idea of monstrosity as an impunity practice, guided by theoretical references such as Judith Butler, Silvia Federici, Alejandro Castillejo and Alejandro Cussiánovich, or journalists such as Daniel Mendoza Leal, Germán Silvia Bustos, and human rights web portals such as Justice or denunciation such as Criminal minds, which in turn shaped an exercise to break down and understand the chains of dehumanization. The creation comprises displaying the monstrosities found in a textual body of narrative and graphic reflection of mixed inputs with overflowing characteristics in which the stories involved in the story are marked by institutional sociopathy and are abruptly woven into a monstrous body called Frankenstein, contribution central to the research line of Ex crituras y Goces Transdiscursivos of the Master in Artistic Studies. or before the media. The above allows us to weave isolated data that make it possible to enter the internal world of the other.Ítem 3D Printing as a Didactic Tool for Teaching some Engineering and Design Concepts(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Rua Ramirez, Edwin Blasnilo; Jimenez Diaz, Fernando; Gutierrez Arias, German Andres; Villamizar, Nelson IvánÍtem 3D reconstruction of objects submerged in clean water(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Muñoz Robles, Leydy Viviana; Quiñónez Jiménez, Edilson; Pizo, Héctor Daniel VictoriaÍtem 4# Exposición sobre diversas industrias, oficios y artesaniasConstitucional de Cundinamarca; Facultad de ciencias y educación, Licenciatura en ciencias socialesThe image presents a news item about: "As the time is approaching when the provincial festival is to be held; the main purpose of which is the "public exhibition of industrial products" we will make a quick review of what the provincial chamber arranged on this matter in its sessions of 1842, moved by the enthusiasm and ardor that the people displayed in the previous year and that were so happily directed, turning into general benefit that which gave rise to a feeling of selfishness and even inhumanity." Published in the Constitutional Journal of Cundinamarca No. 122, October 13, 1844Ítem 40 años invitando a vivir y 20 años resistiéndose al olvido: La experiencia socialista de la RDA y la caída del Muro de Berlín(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Gómez Navas, DianaÍtem 4P y uso de estándares en el éxito de proyectos informáticos(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Raquira, María; Rodríguez Torres, Jenny Alejandra; Tunarosa Velásquez, John AlexanderÍtem 50 years of institutionalization of the chemistry teachers training in Colombia. towards a historic study necessary at the UPN(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Franco-Moreno, Ricardo Andrés