Examinando por Materia "ultrasonido"
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Ítem Desing and implementation of a behavior based robot mobile(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Rodríguez Amoroche, Liliana; Reyes Castro, AlejandroÍtem Especificación, diseño y montaje de un sistema de lavado por ultrasonido(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Soto P., Wilmark A.; Lara B., Miguel A.Ítem Manual de Protocolo Del Equipo “RiverSurveyor De Sontek–M9” Con Funcionamiento De Tecnología Satelital Del Laboratorio De Servicios PúblicosLopez Moreno, Yina Paola; Vanegas Guzman, Nelly Alejandra; Ladino Peralta, Rafael EduardoThe following document has as aim structure the set of protocols to develop practices of character bathymetric taking the equipment as a support “RiverSurveyor” of Sontek M9 present in the Laboratory of Public Services of the District University that in addition it contributes to the processes of education and learning for the students. For the development of this project was necessary a constant learning where there realized trainings of theoretical character in the facilities of the university and trainings of practical character in the Común Bridge -Chía. In these trainings there were identified the components of the equipment as well as its functioning, configuration, process of measurement, taken care and maintenance. Later, it was necessary to design the Manual of Protocols and the Practical Guide structure, where it was determined that they would have high place contained of illustrations in three (3) Dimensions. For it, a training was carried out through Inventor Software version 2016 for Students granting an added value to the present project. Additionally, it was constructed a tank which simulates a transversal section of a waterbody in order to realize practices in the laboratory, allowing the student to have a first approach with the equipment and provide tools necessary for optimal field work.Ítem Ultrasonic techniques applied to the characterization of volcanic glass(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Colombia) Cowes, Diego Alejandro; Salgán, María Laura; Mieza, Juan Ignacio; Gómez, Martín Pedro