El Humedal Gualí: un entorno de aprendizajes con estudiantes en condición de discapacidad cognitiva de la ied Miguel Antonio Caro de Funza
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Resolution 2565 of 2003 of the MEN, establishes that each territorial entity must define an instance that carries out the characterization and determines the disability status of each student, with the purpose of identifying their barriers to learning and guaranteeing participation with a view to proposing the adjustments that the school must make to provide relevant education. To comply with this Resolution, the IED Miguel Antonio Caro, public entity of Cundinamarca, performs a work towards students with different types of disabilities, where all students are assigned to the regular classroom and classroom teachers do not have the training in Special education to work with students with disabilities.
In this sense, in order to improve the pedagogical practices with students of cognitive disability, this research work is a significant contribution to the Institution since it involves a group of teachers from the area of Natural Sciences, for self-training activities on work with students of cognitive disability from which a proposal built collectively for the teaching of Natural Sciences arises, and the Gualí de Funza wetland is taken as an academic environment.