Educación emocional y su influencia en la educación musical: análisis de la asignatura Clínica de Metales
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One of the failures in current music education -in this case, instrumental music education- is to base the teaching of content on obtaining instant results. This, in a way, is an emulation of social behaviors in our times focused on the interest for the final result of the product and not on the value of the processes. As a consequence, dehumanized educational processes are developed that cause disinterest in the emotionality of people and, therefore, of music students. In order to explore this situation, topics related to emotions, their functions, the situations that cause them, the ways of expressing them and the importance of emotional education in the dynamics of teaching in the music classroom were addressed. With them, the case of the subject Clínica de metales (Brass Clinic) of the Musical Arts undergraduate course at the Faculty of Arts ASAB of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas is studied.