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    Comportamiento diferencial de las especies lafoensia acuminata y syzygium paniculatum en diversas densidades del paisaje urbano de Bogotá
    Charry Orjuela, Juan Sebastián; León Perez, David Alejandro; Copete Perdomo, Alejandro
    This research analyzed the carbon capture capacity of Lafoensia acuminata (Guayacán de Manizales) and Syzygium paniculatum (Eugenia) tree species, both of which are abundant, with the latter having been extensively planted in recent years in Bogotá. The study was conducted across the six distinct urban landscape zones or climatic areas of the city, as categorized by the José Celestino Mutis Botanical Garden of Bogotá. The aim was to provide a complementary analysis that highlights the importance of urban landscape diversity and climatic variability in urban tree planning. The research focused on measuring biomass and converting it to carbon terms, using a representative sample of individuals from each of Bogotá's climatic zones to ensure the validity of the results.
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    Formulación de estrategias y acciones para la recuperación del manglar con base en la valoración económica de impactos ambientales en el consejo comunitario Gualmar
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Arias Urriago, Evelin Dayana; Canaria Cotacio, Nicolas Andres; Copete Perdomo, Alejandro
    The main objective of this degree work is to analyze the dynamics of deforestation present in the Gualmar Community Council, this in order to economically value the impacts generated by the phenomenon, in that order of ideas the importance of mangroves is highlighted as carbon sinks, the amount of m3 of wood available and the ecosystem services provided by the ecosystem. To carry out this research, systematic sampling methods were used in different areas of the mangrove, to cover both the above-ground biomass (trees, shrubs and lianas) and the underground biomass (roots). The data were collected using standard forest inventory techniques, and carbon stock calculations and estimation of the m3 of available wood were subsequently carried out following protocols established by the scientific community. The results obtained revealed that the representative mangrove species are Rhizophora mangle and Mora oleifera since they have a significant carbon storage capacity, with an average stock of 3.26 tCO2e/ha/individual and 2.46 tCO2e/ha/ year/individual. In addition, variations in the carbon stock will be observed depending on factors such as the age of the mangroves, the density of the vegetation and the characteristics of the soil. Furthermore, it is important to highlight that there is a total of 139.22 m3/ha of wood available. In addition, an economic valuation of the stored carbon was carried out, estimating a value of 243 million pesos, based on current carbon market prices. In the case of wood, it is estimated that the losses per m3 of wood are estimated at 840 million pesos. This economic valuation highlights not only the ecological value of mangroves, but also their economic potential in terms of ecosystem services. In conclusion, the quantification of the carbon stock and its economic valuation in the mangroves of the Gualmar Community Council, not only evidences its ecological and environmental value, but also offered essential information to formulate the restoration initiative under the improvement approach proposed by Lamprecht. . in 1990.
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    Valoración sociocultural de servicios ecosistémicos del Bosque San Carlos, Bogotá (estudio de caso)
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Pérez Verano, Giovanny Antonio; Tovar Londoño, Aura Ivonne; Copete Perdomo, Alejandro
    The present research aims to assess the sociocultural value of the cultural ecosystem services of the Urban Forest "Bosque de San Carlos," as well as the main socio-environmental issues it faces that may affect the provision of these services. From this assessment, the most important ecosystem services were identified and prioritized based on their demographic and socioeconomic characterization, considering the perception and motivation values expressed by the population in the context of this park. Based on this, an action plan is proposed for the integral management of the natural space, ensuring the provision of ecosystem services. This was determined through the application of two semi-structured surveys. The first was a pilot survey administered to 10 people to verify the consistency and coherence of the proposed questions. The definitive survey was then applied to a population of 90 people in some way related to the Bosque de San Carlos park. The information collected from the surveys was processed using descriptive statistical analysis, establishing the motivation and perception values of the cultural ecosystem services. With these results, a double-entry causality matrix was applied to prioritize and identify the main issues mentioned by the surveyed population. An action plan was proposed to address the global issues from a sustainable perspective. In general terms, it was identified that the most important evaluated cultural ecosystem services are recreation, accounting for 35.5% of the total, followed by physical health at 24.4%, and mental health at 17.8%. The most frequently identified environmental issues in the Bosque de San Carlos were insecurity and civic culture, each with a participation rate of 30% and 26.6%, respectively. From this, the causality matrix determined that the central problem in the study area is inadequate maintenance and management of the space, which results in all the mentioned issues. To address this problem, two programs were formulated, each with its respective projects, related to environmental education and the improvement of maintenance and management regarding physical security and users' perception of safety.
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    Afectación de las propiedades físicas y químicas del suelo por la expansión de la frontera agrícola en el páramo de Sumapaz
    Engativá Hipólito , César Andrés; Gómez Gómez, Claudia Paola; Copete Perdomo, Alejandro
    TThe objective of this work is to carry out an analysis and evaluation to determine the changes in the physical and chemical properties of the soil in the El Toldo area of ​​the town of Sumapaz in three covers: A potato crop cover, sample MO-01; A natural páramo cover, MO-02 and a cover of a home garden, sample MO 03 and compare the impact on the resource due to the expansion of the agricultural frontier in the area. The method to determine the change in the physical and chemical capacities was carried out through laboratory studies that yielded results of the physical and chemical properties of the soil such as texture, pH, apparent density, percentage of organic carbon, macro and micronutrients among other properties. Likewise, through surveys of the inhabitants of the El Toldo area and surrounding areas, the socioeconomic factors of the population and the agricultural practices that may be affecting the soil resource and altering the aforementioned properties were determined. As a result of the alterations in the physical and chemical properties of the soil in the Sumapaz moorland, there is a loss in its capacity to retain moisture and an increase in pH for the potato crop cover samples and the home garden cover, important and most notable characteristics of moorland soils. This is mainly due to the change in cover and the application of inputs such as fertilizers in order to reach a neutral pH for planting food, a fact that is confirmed by the high values ​​of exchangeable bases and the low values ​​of aluminum for these two samples that were compared with the natural moorland cover sample, MO-02. Properties such as low apparent density and the open and porous structure that allow the moorland soils to obtain a high hydraulic conductivity and a very high water retention capacity correspond to what was observed for the natural cover sample, while high values ​​of apparent density and electrical conductivity were obtained for the potato crop and home garden samples; soils that were subjected to human intervention and did not recover their natural characteristics. The results were compared with surveys identifying problems such as the use of pesticides and the difficulty in making a change in the economic activities of the population. Finally, a series of projects are proposed aimed at improving the health and quality of the soil through better practices or alternatives that allow, in the medium and long term, to harmonize the main economic activity of the inhabitants of the Vereda El Toldo in the Locality of Sumapaz with the strategic ecosystem such as the moor, in the understanding that the fundamental role that this ecosystem represents and its protection in the area where people live is valued and highlighted, as well as the sustenance of the families in the area of ​​influence.
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    Propuesta de acción de cumplimiento para la implementación del Servicio Forestal Nacional Colombiano – documento sustentatorio ley 37/1989 & ley 99/1993 (tít. II / art. 5/ par. 4)
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Daza Fandiño, David Camilo; Hernández Carvajal, Miguel Ángel; Copete Perdomo, Alejandro
    The conservation and sustainable use of forest ecosystems are essential for the economic, social and environmental development of Colombia, a megadiverse country with great potential for ecosystem services. However, the sector faces challenges such as forest loss, low competitiveness, informality, legal insecurity, and lack of coordination among actors. To address these problems, the National Forest Service (SFN) was created by Law 37/1989, attached to the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development by Law 99/1993, with the mission of planning and executing forest policy. Despite its importance, the SFN has not been implemented due to a lack of resources, political will and stakeholder participation. This project seeks to reactivate the SFN and turn it into an effective tool for forest management, proposing strategic guidelines based on an institutional diagnosis, analysis of sector stakeholders' perceptions and key actions adapted to the current context. The implementation of the SFN is crucial to improve the productivity and competitiveness of the forestry sector and promote sustainable development in Colombia, leading a state forestry policy with clear and executable strategies.
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    El desplazamiento ambiental: un problema silencioso en Colombia. (Estudio de caso basado en vivencias de pobladores a lo largo del río Magdalena bajo.)
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Neira Herrera, Jenny Alejandra; Sanabria Martínez, Dalia Isabel; Copete Perdomo, Alejandro
    This paper presents a case study on the environmental displacement generated by pollution and mismanagement of natural resources in the Magdalena River marshes in the Department of Atlántico. To this end, the effects of environmental displacement were evaluated in terms of biocultural changes and socioeconomic aspects suffered by the displaced population of the lower Magdalena River. In order to know their history, two phases of work were proposed that allowed the collection and analysis of the information, based on a narrative methodological design with a mixed approach, in which methods such as documentary review and semi-structured interview were used. Based on all the information gathered, a proposal for an action plan was made to address the cases of environmental displacement.87 people were interviewed, grouped in 7 family nuclei, who were asked demographic questions, the ages are varied, as well as the socioeconomic conditions, the intergenerational changes and the perception of the events is diverse, which in turn are modified by the gender. Fifty-five percent of the people interviewed were women, 44% were in the age range of 29 to 50 years, 66.7% had children and 55.6% were of black ancestry. Broadly speaking, the people interviewed mentioned that the reason for their displacement was linked to the degradation of the swamp as well as the decrease of fish, which affected their economic livelihood and main activity, which is fishing. The social and cultural rupture is evident in the narratives of the interviewees, so it can be concluded that environmental displacement is a complex problem that affects socio-environmental and socioeconomic aspects of the victims, so it is important to generate a regulation in which the State provides prevention, protection, assistance during displacement and guarantees for the return, internal relocation and resettlement of the victims.
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    Plan de acción participativo mediante la reconversión de la cuenca alta de la quebrada Aguablanca - Santander
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Álvarez Contreras, Daysy Liliana; Herrán Trujillo, Oscar Antonio; Copete Perdomo, Alejandro
    Historically, in the Peña Blanca sector in the municipality of Puente Nacional, Santander, agricultural and livestock activities have been developed, which has affected the moor ecosystem, typical of the area and the source of the Aguablanca stream, which supplies water to the urban area of ​​the municipality; for this reason, the objective of this research is the formulation of a participatory action plan aimed at the recovery of conservation zones - environmental protection and also, to reestablish the conditions of the ecosystems such as their structure, composition and functions, through the reconversion and substitution of agricultural activities developed in this sector. For the formulation of this action plan, an ecological survey was carried out, determining the formative factors or attributes of the landscape, followed by an economic and qualitative evaluation of the agricultural dynamics developed in the sector through the application of an interview, with the objective of knowing the background of the expansion of the agricultural frontier in these areas, in order to design the strategies, through which the reconversion and substitution of the activities not compatible with the conservation-protection zones of the Upper Basin of the Quebrada Aguablanca, established in the POMCA of the Medio and Bajo Suárez River, is achieved, in such a way that the existing economic conditions are maintained or improved. Based on the results obtained, it was determined that the agricultural activities developed in the sector have decreased significantly due to the poor condition of the roads, pests, among other factors, for which three projects were designed to improve the economic conditions of the inhabitants, which correspond to Payment for Ecosystem Services (PSA), sustainable tourism and a sustainable agroecological model.
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    Evaluación del componente social y propuesta de ajuste metodológica del proyecto de restauración de la estructura ecológica principal de Bogotá
    Rodríguez Chacón, Laura Viviana; Rodriguez Serna, María Lucía; Copete Perdomo, Alejandro
    In this degree work, community participation in the restoration process was analyzed ecological within the framework of the project “Ecological Restoration in Areas of Environmental Importance and Main Ecological Structure of the Capital District”, to finally propose an improvement in the terms of reference and project specifications regarding an effective and binding social component that promote collaboration between the local community, environmental authorities and other stakeholders in the ecological restoration of the Main Ecological Structure of Bogotá. For the methodology, it was proposed in the first instance to carry out a documentary review of the terms of reference and specifications of the ecological restoration project of the case study, to be verified with the perception obtained, through the design and application of a survey to the close inhabitants of the ecosystems, regarding the involvement and sense of belonging generated by the project. This provided significant inputs that, based on the construction of an impact matrix that made it possible to identify the main gaps in the terms of reference and specifications Regarding the social issue, it allowed the elaboration of a proposal to improve said terms where the social component is involved through the effective and binding participation of interested actors in ecosystem restoration. As a result of the above, it was determined that, within the formulation and implementation phase of the restoration project under study, different participation activities were carried out as agreements conservation with social and institutional actors, planting days with the student population of some schools close to the areas of interest and the hiring of resident operators in each of them. the intervention localities. Even so, the communities do not feel truly involved, for which did not generate a sense of belonging to the project and do not know the benefits that can be obtain from the restoration of the ecosystem they inhabit, understanding the dynamics of the relationship that is establishes between society and nature. Due to the above, an adjustment of methodological aspects was proposed in the terms of reference and specifications of the contractual process, which allow the link of citizens as a fundamental element in the proper development of ecological restoration projects.
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    Programa de gestión de emisiones hacia la neutralidad de la compañía Servimeters SAS para el año 2030. (Propuesta basada en la estimación de la huella de carbono)
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Caballero Peñaloza, Adrián; Ayala Torres, Luz Daniela; Copete Perdomo, Alejandro
    This research focuses on measuring the carbon footprint of Servimeters SAS, with the aim of identifying the main sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by the company. The goal is to develop an emissions management program, a strategic tool that provides theoretical knowledge and tools for the effective management of the organization's GHG emissions. This program spans a six-year horizon and is designed in accordance with the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) projected for the year 2030. For this purpose, the GHG protocol, the standard for calculating the organizational carbon footprint, was used. The results indicate that the most significant category is emissions from mobile sources, which account for 70.58% of total scope 1 emissions, equivalent to 12.35 tCO2e. On the other hand, electricity consumption generated a total of 23.27 tCO2e, making it a significant GHG source within scope 2. The proper estimation of the company's carbon footprint allowed for the establishment of goals and projects aligned with the climate objectives outlined in the National Climate Change Policy, which is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement. These initiatives focus on three pillars: energy efficiency, implementation of renewable energies, carbon credits, and reforestation. The implementation of this strategy aims to reduce GHG emissions by 29.40% by the year 2030; in the medium term, the company aims to emit a total of 16.94 tCO2e, with the long-term goal of achieving carbon neutrality.
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    Estimación de impactos por productos farmacéuticos en la alteración de características ecosistémicas y formulación de medidas de mitigación y control del rio San Francisco
    Rodríguez Suárez, Jonathan; Suárez Alape, James Elivar; Copete Perdomo, Alejandro
    The main objective of this research focuses on the evaluation of the impacts generated, the alterations or the change in the ecosystem characteristics of the San Francisco River, caused by the discharge of wastewater of industrial origin, discharges that are generated among them by the activity of a pharmaceutical laboratory. To do this, it is necessary to know the contaminant load that is generated in the activities carried out by the laboratory, studying the raw materials and/or active ingredients used in the manufacturing processes.
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    Plan de acción para la implementación del aviturismo como alternativa de transición económica sostenible en concertación con la comunidad del municipio de Garagoa - Boyacá
    Hernández Jiménez, Edint Karina; Galvis Bustos, Mary Alejandra; Copete Perdomo, Alejandro
    Colombia, considered a megadiverse country, stands out as an especially attractive option for bird watching because its territory is home to the largest number of bird species in the world. In addition to the wealth of species, Colombia has a large number of endemic species (79) and almost endemic species (193), (Garzón & Myers, 2016). In this context, the purpose of this research was to evaluate the birdwatching potential of the Caldera Arriba and Caldera Abajo villages in the municipality of Garagoa in consultation with the community, the institutionality and the adequate management of natural resources around the transition processes towards green and conservation economies. To carry out this evaluation, two main objectives were considered. Initially, a diagnosis of the territory was carried out; of a biotic, abiotic and socioeconomic nature, in which the natural attractions were identified, the institutional tools to facilitate the implementation of the action plan, the socio-environmental and economic problems of the population and the potential of the bird diversity of the study area was validated. The second objective was to formulate an action plan to promote the development of bird tourism by determining the main strategic areas of action through the development of a SWOT matrix to identify weaknesses, opportunities, strengths and threats in order to move from traditional economic activities such as livestock farming to low-impact and sustainable economic activities. The results obtained through this research demonstrated the potential of bird tourism as an alternative for sustainable economic transition. In turn, it was possible to identify the level of acceptance by the inhabitants of the area of ​​influence of the project, which is essential to achieve that the action plan in consultation with the community is successful. Additionally, political instruments were identified that currently promote this transition and in turn the conservation of resources in the territory for the maintenance of bird species and habitats, such as Resolution 1294 of 2021 and the National Bird Conservation Strategy -ENCA- 2030. Finally, an Action Plan focused on the development and promotion of bird watching in the study area was formulated through which two programs were defined; Program 1: Knowledge for bird conservation, which has 2 projects (Conservation of endemic species under threat and education aimed at bird tourism) and Program 2: Strengthening local advocacy mechanisms, which also has 2 projects (Support for business creation and coordination with RNOA, and Strengthening institutional and community capacity). This action plan seeks to position the municipality of Garagoa and especially the Caldera Arriba and Caldera Abajo villages as a key destination for the development of activities for the observation and study of wild birds as a specialized segment of ecotourism in the department of Boyacá.
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    Acciones para la gestión de los incendios forestales dentro del marco del Plan Municipal para la Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres en el municipio de San José del Guaviare
    Rodriguez Sarmiento, Sebastián; Barbosa Cadena, Wilmar Gustavo; Copete Perdomo, Alejandro
    This document seeks to analyze the components that make up the Municipal Disaster Risk Management Plan (PMGRD), within the framework of the document Municipal Guide for Risk Management provided by the Special Administrative Unit for Disaster Risk Management (Unidad Administrativa Especial de Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres, UAEGRD). (UAEGRD), a series of management particularities are evidenced, more from the negative aspect than from the positive one, highlighting the few or The few or insignificant measures for the prevention of forest fires by the Municipal Administration of San José de Guaviare, in favor of promoting the development and organization of the territory through local needs and knowledge, such as the use and not prohibition of fire as a tool or mechanism for agricultural activity, stand out. From the above and from the primary information obtained directly from the community, through open question surveys in order to know the effects, causes and possible solutions to the fires, added to the technical knowledge developed around the world in the management of forest fires, as a result of this research work, the authors present a base of actions aimed at the prevention of forest fires. As results of this research work, based on the primary information collected from the current knowledge of the rural and urban community of San José del Guaviare, on the prevention of forest fires, the project profiles designed under the guidelines of the Guiding Document for the formulation of the Municipal Risk Management Plan are presented, which are the result of the prioritization of problems. The programs proposed according to the current problems are “participatory, ecological and green business economy”, where one of its actions is the promotion of agroforestry and silvopastoral projects, the second program is focused on “Restoration and ecological recovery” where its main actions are to ensure connectivity through recovery and restoration, accompanied by judicial and police actions. The third program refers to “conservation and sustainable use”, where its main projects are the agricultural burn management program, strengthening the installed capacity of first responders, and last but not least, the “environmental governance” program is proposed, which is focused on the action of articulating through education and environmental awareness the municipal government, the urban and rural population and the different actors around the management of forest fires in the municipality of San José del Guaviare.
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    Identificación y evaluación de pasivos ambientales mineros por extracción de materiales de construcción en la Cantera La Quebrada en Ciudad Bolívar
    Bustos León, Norida Melixa; Copete Perdomo, Alejandro
    In the present investigation, the Mining Environmental Liabilities (MEL) were identified and evaluated as a result of the mining of construction materials in La Cantera La Quebrada located in the town of Ciudad Bolivar; The Capital District is currently one of those most affected by decades of continuous mining extractivism without state control, which has caused serious environmental deterioration affecting the physical-natural environment and the well-being of the inhabitants; for its analysis, the main Mining Environmental Liabilities (MEL) and their pressure in the natural and artificial environment were characterized; also emphasized the perception of the community and the effects on health and quality of life that has left this activity in the area; finally, management measures are proposed on significant environmental mining liabilities, measures that may be employed by mining actors in the PMRRA required by the environmental authority. The research was addressed in three objectives, the first objective is of a diagnostic nature where Mining Environmental Liabilities (MEL) were identified and evaluated through the impact identification matrix Conesa, 2011; in which the abiotic, biotic and socioeconomic environment was evaluated according to its level of significance and where they were prioritized for the closure and abandonment stage, in the second objective the perception of the community and the change in its quality of life was known, For its analysis, a social-environmental perception interview was conducted focused on two cadastral sectors with nuclei of 3 blocks near the area of influence of the mining site. Finally, the third objective was developed, which is the formulation stage, management measures were established according to the prioritized liabilities and the impact on the community, where an analysis of management strategies was made through a SWOT matrix and later a management plan was formulated where 3 programs were structured, one of them focused on soil, water and social resources. According to the main liabilities obtained such as: Mass removal phenomena, Impact by disposal of solid waste, debris and plant material, Stability of slopes, Variation in water characteristics (quality) and socio-economic conditions, a management plan is proposed for their management through the following management programs: Land Resource Management Program, Water Resource Management Program and, Quality of Life and Health Improvement Program; management plan formulated with a total of 10 management projects, structured by strategies involving direct and indirect actions to carry out processes of compensation and mitigation of the main liabilities described, which guarantee the recovery and remediation of the degraded environment and the social welfare of the community.
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    Identificación de las condiciones ecoclimáticas que favorecen el crecimiento del retamo espinoso (Ulex europaeus) en los cerros orientales de Bogotá y propuesta de control y mitigación
    Moreno Rincón, Sergio David; Vargas González, Giseth Paola; Copete Perdomo, Alejandro
    This document studies the climatic aspects that favor the growth and reproduction of the thorny broom (Ulex europaeus) in the eastern hills of Bogotá, taking into account that it is an invasive species, easy to spread and a generator of forest fires, which adapts to any type of soil, even with conditions of extreme acidity and little organic matter. Currently, this species represents a danger to the ecosystem of the High Andean Forest due to its colonization of areas without vegetation cover (Rojas. 2020). One of the most important factors for the formation of ecosystems, climate, was evaluated; where elements such as precipitation and temperature were taken into account, which, according to Holdridge L. (1982), are the main variables for the classification of life zones. In this evaluation, five sampling points were established within the eastern hills of Bogotá, where different plots were defined in the localities of San Cristóbal and Santa Fe, which are the most populated by thorny broom, according to the study conducted by the District Secretary of the Environment and the information provided by the POMCA of the middle basin of the Bogotá River, also obtaining data of isohyets and isotherms of the eastern hills of Bogotá. According to the sampling points established, the bioclimatic conditions that mostly favor the development of the thorny broom are temperatures between 12 °C and 13 °C and precipitation of 1100 mm to 1150 mm accumulated per year. Finally, physical control measures are established for the thorny retamo and it is concluded that biological control can be done through ecological restoration activities, which can be found in arid and rocky areas, where species such as the chilco (Baccharis bogotensis benth) generate competition in arid and rocky areas. The study shows that the vegetation covers are adapted to life zones where the climate factor is essential for their development.
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    Análisis de la ley 1930 de 2018 y formulación de estrategias para la reconversión y sustitución de actividades agropecuarias en el Páramo de Bijagual del Municipio de Toca Boyacá
    Preciado Garzón, Cristian Camilo; Rodríguez Moreno, Mildreth Vanessa; Copete Perdomo, Alejandro
    This research project focuses on identifying the conditions of agricultural activities, focused on potato cultivation, which has been one of the main economic activities of Boyacá farmers and ancestors for decades, residents in the Páramo de Tota - Bijagual- Mamapacha in the Department of Boyacá, by implementing the law 1930 of 2018 called "Ley de páramos". The type of research is qualitative due to the different conditions in the terms of reference of the Law 1930 of 2018 called "Paramo Law". The point of view of the target population is considered taking into account the socio-economic and environmental problematic due to the normative aspects on agricultural activities, in the Tuaneca Arriba village of the municipality of Toca in the Department of Boyacá. The expected results are stipulated under social, economic and environmental criteria, which are indispensable to denote the current conditions of the area of the Bijagual Mamapacha moor in the Department of Boyacá, with respect to its main activity, potato cultivation, considering that it is the economic source from generation to generation of several families living in the sector. A bibliographic review was conducted concerning Resolutions, Laws, Decrees and institutional documents, in order to generate knowledge regarding the current status of the regulation of Paramos, along with the activities developed in them and the possible programs of restitution and reconversion of agricultural activities in these ecosystems, in addition to the possible adaptations that can be given within the territories for the population groups. A model of research instrument was made according to the object of the project, in order to collect information regarding the current social and environmental conditions of the inhabitants of the municipality of Toca in the Tuaneca village that contemplates within its jurisdiction the Bijagual Mamapacha páramo in the Department of Boyacá, at the same time, outstanding projects of the same research are determined.
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    Evaluacion del proyecto nodo de biodiversidad cerros orientales y propuesta de mejoramiento socioambiental
    Zuluaga Villamizar, Jonathan; Murcia Tovar, Leonardo Alfonso; Copete Perdomo, Alejandro
    Making a general review of the Cerros Orientales Biodiversity Node project, executed in the city of Bogotá, using primary and secondary information; its current state in the social, biotic and structural component was determined, as well as its possibilities of its future sustainability through improvement strategies. The case study was carried out in two phases, one documentary and the other field; With the documentary phase, the origin of the project, the established institutional policies and scope, budget allocation, influence of the project in the community, and binding commitments of the public administration for its sustainability over time were investigated. Through a forest census, the characteristics of the vegetation cover and its diversity were determined, on the other hand, an inventory and diagnosis of installed infrastructure and landscaped areas were made, determining their current state and maintenance requirements, and finally the community was consulted through 50 surveys. regarding the impact of the Node on their lives, their main needs and solution alternatives. These two phases provided clarity regarding the impact of the project as a public policy in ecosystem, social and infrastructure terms, critical problems were identified and multidimensional solution strategies were proposed to improve both the quality of life of the community and the Nodo Cerros project. Orientals.
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    Establecimiento de un modelo de negocio de Cannabis a partir del estudio de la cadena productiva en Colombia
    Gutiérrez López, Daniel Fernando; Méndez Montañez, Fabian Esteban; Copete Perdomo, Alejandro
    The object of this document is to establish a cannabis business model based on the study of the productive chain in Colombia. To achieve this goal, it is intended to carry out a regulatory and institutional analysis, prior to developing a diagnosis of the cannabis production chain in Colombia and being able to determine the problems it has. Based on the above, a series of actions are proposed to be carried out to mitigate the obstacles faced by the cannabis industry so that a business model can be proposed that collects the information analyzed. Taking into account the above, this document seeks to contextualize the productive chain of cannabis use projects at the national level, investigating the different difficulties that companies have encountered in order to establish their productive projects, with which a series of problems to be solved for which it is intended to propose different forms of management and solutions for decision-making, structuring and entry into the execution of projects of this type. To do this, an exploratory, qualitative, and quantitative methodology is used, which consists of primary and secondary information, with which the productive chain, the bottlenecks, the solutions to be adopted can be synthesized and finally an analysis of strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats that lead to structuring a cannabis business model. This document will result in an analysis of the regulatory framework and an institutional framework, on which activities can be carried out in Colombia based on cannabis and its active components through licenses, to then be able to carry out research on the productive chain of the cannabis industry in Colombia, from which it is possible to determine which are the bottlenecks that the productive projects have, once the results have been analyzed, a proposal will be made for a series of actions to be taken not only to formulate a project productive focused on the use of the plant but also that there are proposals to solve the barriers that exist in projects in execution, which will conclude with the approach of a business model where the information found and analyzed is collected.
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    Elementos de un plan de acción propuestos a partir de la identificación y evaluación de impactos ambientales en el Parque Logístico Empresarial Zolfunza
    Borda Quintero, Dayy Marley; Cruz Jiménez, Danna Lizbeth; Copete Perdomo, Alejandro
    The interest of this project is directed to the need to identify the environmental aspects and impacts involved in the operation of the ZolFunza Business Logistics Park, located at Km 1.5 Via Cerrito La Florida - Cota in the Municipality of Funza, this need arises from the influence that the study area has on the La Florida Wetland, which is a fragile ecosystem and exposed to different pressures, derived from the industrial activity in the area. Additionally, this wetland is sponsored by the company that owns the project, hereinafter Terranum Desarrollo S.A.S. The proposed objective is to formulate elements for the elaboration of an action plan in the park, based on the evaluation of severe environmental aspects and impacts identified during the project implementation process. Therefore, an environmental assessment is carried out in two parts: a diagnostic visit to the study site, where the main operational activities of the park and their respective environmental aspects are determined, and another part of opinion and perception of the people who work and circulate in the area, through a survey, in addition to information on the operation and maintenance of the Business Park obtained from the Administration of the project. This information is then cross-referenced in a matrix of environmental aspects and impacts, prepared using the Qualitative Methodology for the Identification and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts (Conesa, 2010), in order to identify, characterize and evaluate each of the most significant environmental aspects and impacts in the operation of ZolFunza, and then propose appropriate actions and strategies for proper management, monitoring and control by the Management of the Business Park. As a result of this methodological process, a total of nine projects were proposed as a base element for the elaboration of an action plan for moderate and severe environmental impacts caused by the activities carried out in the ZolFunza Business Park. These impacts include some of the main issues of interest, such as solid waste management and different activities that affect natural resources such as fauna, flora, air and soil, as well as a social component related to park administration and training for personnel working there.
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    Valoración económica de los beneficios ecosistémicos de turismo en el Parque Nacional Natural el Cocuy
    Pardo Orozco, Luis Jónathan; Sánchez Casallas, Sara Nikole; Copete Perdomo, Alejandro
    In this research work, an estimate has been made of the total economic value of the ecosystem benefits that protected natural areas provide to the tourism sector. The indirect method of travel costs has been used to carry out the indirect valuation of said services in the El Cocuy National Natural Park. To achieve this, the ecosystem benefits that protected natural areas offer to the productive chain of the tourism sector and for which visitors are willing to pay have been identified. The economic valuation generated by the ecosystem benefits of protected natural areas in the Colombian tourism sector was carried out to facilitate the estimation of the costs of conservation of ecosystems and in this way contribute to protecting biodiversity after the assumption of sustainable use (environmental , social and economic) of natural resources. This travel cost estimate was made for the specific case of the El Cocuy National Natural Park, since it is one of the most visited parks in the country and due to its geographical location, visitors have to make a considerable consumption of private goods. associated with displacement and permanence in the tourist site in magnitudes that allow establishing a specific travel cost for this protected area. Additionally, as it is the only focal tourist attraction in the north of Boyacá, the aim was to reduce as much as possible the bias due to multipurpose trips that could alter the cost estimate. It is also important to mention that the surveys, systematization and data processing were carried out during the first half of 2023, therefore, the entire cost estimate is determined by the prices in force at the time of the analysis and costing of the private goods consumed during the periods. trips. Thus, the estimation of travel costs was carried out by completing 80 visitor surveys that provided the necessary data to run the mathematical model of the Travel Costs method, finding as a result that the Economic Valuation of tourism ecosystem services of the National Natural Park is COP $100,436`734,881.
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    Propuesta para la implementación de prácticas sostenibles en actividades productivas de los Municipios de Fortul y Saravena, Arauca
    Parada Rico, Claudia Milena; Rodríguez Ríos, Edna Viviana; Copete Perdomo, Alejandro
    The global crisis associated with degradation of the natural environment and biodiversity, generated by the effect of problems such as deforestation, climate change or pollution, must be assumed with conservation strategies that can be extended to productive activities (Ollinaho & Kröger, 2021), a clear example of which, are the sustainable practices associated with livestock production, specifically, the use of clean energy of non-conventional origin and the implementation of silvopastoral systems (SSP). The development of these activities should be carried out through the active participation of local communities, which is essential for decision-making and the formulation of public policies and scientific schedules (Sánchez-Romero et al., 2021). Therefore, the application of a semi-structured interview, aimed at the local population of livestock producers or local inhabitants, located mainly in the municipalities of Fortul and Saravena, was carried out. Twenty-seven interviews were conducted, in order to identify local perspectives on the implementation of this type of practices in livestock farming and in daily activities, additionally, strategies were formulated to promote its implementation. As a result of application and analysis of the semi-structured interview, it was possible to identify obstacles and potentialities for the promotion of these sustainable practices, in addition to the diagnosis of the current condition of its implementation. With this, problem prioritization matrices and SWOT matrices were prepared, with which 4 proposals for project profiles were formulated; Model Farm, Technical training, Institutional strengthening and aggregation and promotion of financing mechanisms and incentives